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Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



Mellow Monday, February 9, 2015


As I finished reading “Yoga and Yogic Powers” it became blindingly clear to me how much magic and yoga actually have in common.

*The practice of yoga and the practice of magic are most similar in their asking you to control your mind, focus your energy and manifest

*Both ask us to suspend disbelief, limiting mindsets, and what we’ve been taught to see we are eternal, reincarnated and capable of anything

*In magic and yoga we are taught everything is divine, there is no middleman, no penance to be paid—because you are alive, because you are here, you are divine.  The same thing that created the cosmos created you, and you are sacred.

*Students of both disciplines are asked to sit in meditation, to calm the mind, to watch the space behind the 3rd eye, and to communicate with the ancients and the cosmos.

*Both honor earth, nature and each creature that dwells here with us. In both yoga and magic there is a holy agree and a sacred understanding that there is no hierarchy

*In practicing yoga and magic you allow the newness to meet you where you are.  Whether you’re performing spell work or flipping into wheel for the first time, you allow yourself to grow and experience-no goal, just learning.

*Magic and yoga alike are based in acceptance, kindness and the understanding that whatever we put out will come back to us-whether that be high vibrations or low.

* Reincarnation plays an enormous role in both practices. We are reincarnated many times in many ways, depending on our souls’ karma and the path it must take to reach ultimate liberation.  We must learn the lessons we must learn, or we are eternally stuck.  This is the true hell; one we create for ourselves through our unwillingness to change.

*We are powerful and a source of great manifestation abilities. Both yoga and magic tell us we must accept this before we can move deeper on the spiritual path.  We must see the role we play in our own lives.  Whether you are casting a circle or sending out psychic vibrations you are actively honing your energy in order to communicate with the cosmos and create.

*Both ask for sacred space and altars, honoring many gods and goddesses.  My home is full of altar spaces dedicated to the deities of yoga and magic.  Homes, altar spaces, and practice areas must be clean, sacred and kept holy.

*The deep wisdom of nature in revered by yogis and magic workers alike.

* Allow the universe! Yoga and magic ask you to do your work, then move out of the way so that the universe can bring what it knows is best. Magic and yoga ask you to surrender into trust and faith, even when everything seems terrible and permanent.

*The ways of the water & elements are vital.  Both yoga and magic honor and hold sacred the 5 elements, and understand we are made of a combination, which must all be kept in balance.  We are reminded in both spiritual disciplines to flow always, to find the water.

Magic is all around you, much like prana, just waiting to be acknowledged and harnessed.  Know your divinity and know your soul, let magic be a part of your everyday life!

Yoga Workshop & Fundraiser: Diana is so over-joyed to be hosting 2 beautiful yoga workshops forSmall Acts: Girls Helping Girls. Period.  a local charity run by a mother and her two incredible teenage daughters. Read more about the cause and sign up here.

NYC: Saturday, February 28th


Bloomfield, NJ: Sunday, March 1st



Happy Heart Yoga Retreat: Let Go & Live Lush in Lake George this May with Diana! Spiritual & transformative yoga,  jumping into sweet Lake George from a private dock, a full-moon releasing ceremony, gourmet vegetarian food cooked by a private chef and so much more. Friday, May 1st-Sunday, May 3rd. For details click here.

Semi Private Group classes at the Shala: Join Diana in her sacred and cozy space for joyful and deeply spiritual yoga practice. Saturdays, 5-6:15 pm in Gramercy, NYC. Sign Up here. All levels welcome. $30.00

Happy Heart Shala Updates: If you're interested in joining the Lush Life mailing list for class, workshop and retreat announcements click here

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