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Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


Blessed Ostara!

Blessed Ostara!

Blessed Ostara!
Ostara, commonly known as The Spring Equinox, celebrates the return of life and rebirth of nature in the northern hemisphere. This special day is the exact midpoint between the Winter and Summer Solstices, officially marking the beginning of Spring. On an equinox, there are equal hours of daylight and darkness. From this day forward, the sunlight will increasingly grow longer, gifting us expanded days. That being said, Ostara is grandly symbolic of new beginnings. Mother Earth is waking from her deep slumber, promising us new life. Plants and trees are beginning to bud; hibernating creatures are emerging from winter's sleep. Everything that surrounds us is being reenergized and uplifted. This birth of Spring inspires us on a profound, almost instinctual level. There is an air of hopefulness, an opportunity for a fresh start, a promise of peace and balance among all things. May we take a pause on this sacred day, Ostara, and find ways to celebrate the coming months of sunshine, bountiful nature, hope, and vibrant energy.
Blessed Ostara!
Go Outside
The simplest yet most heartfelt way to attune to this particular time is to be one with nature. The unfurling of Spring is the most mystifying, magickal display of the intricate artistry and power of nature. Just being outdoors alone will be awe-inspiring, but if you can, make the intention of visiting a park, going for a long stroll, hike, or visiting a garden this season. As you adventure and explore the wonder of your scenery, look to this as you being in celebration of life, in all forms.

This is an ideal time to plant, literally and metaphorically, as the earth has thawed, the weather is warming up, and sunlight will be amply available. Whether you decide to plant physical seeds in the earth or seeds of intention and manifestation within yourself, the energetics you are creating will be graciously received either way. Nurturing the self and nature is an honorable and rewarding deed, as you are sustaining life. This gratitude toward Mother Nature and her creations will help bring vibrance and vitality into your life.

 Invite Floral Scents
Spring is synonymous with flowers. So it makes natural sense to bring flowers and floral scents into your life at this time. Tune in to the season and present moment by inviting fresh floral aromas in any way. You can simply keep fresh flowers, always thank fresh flowers for giving their lives to our pleasurable enjoyment of their company. Bring awareness to the blossoming and unfurling of flowers while anointing yourself with a floral perfume or oil. Burning floral candles or incense will fill your space with the aura of Ostara. Keeping these beautiful natural scents so close to you will keep you open, uplifted, and present.

Eggshell Uses
The egg is a multifaceted symbol of Spring. For centuries these sacred creations have been revered for signifying fertility and the promise of new life. These beliefs have transcended time. You can incorporate the eternal magick of the egg by saving eggshells and repurposing them. These make an excellent addition to soil for plants, gardens, or compost piles. Eggshells also act as a natural pest repellent! Crushed eggshells are wonderful in magickal work regarding protection. Use them to cast a protective circle, as candle dressings, or as an addition to any spell work. Rinse used eggshells and lay them to dry on a paper towel. Once dried, if using for magickal purposes you may crush them to your desired consistency, otherwise for gardening purposes you may leave them whole.

Spring Cleaning
While the world around us is blooming and bursting with life, we echo these sensations and want to feel refreshed and lively. The urge for spring cleaning seemingly comes naturally; we feel the need to declutter and be as fresh and clean as the newly spirited atmosphere. Take time to cleanse your space, throw open the windows, wash the floors, and invite the energy of renewa
into your home!

What is a celebration without a feast? Spring rejoices with the coming of milk, cheese, honey, seeds, herbs, and flowers. Incorporate these fresh items into your baking and cooking to honor the season. Fun ideas are edible flowers, deviled eggs, milk cake, herbal tea with honey, herbed butter, and anything else you can whip up with what’s in season!

As always, turning inward to reflect upon how the outer world speaks to our inner world will significantly support you on your journey. The equinox is about finding and appreciating where balance exists in life. All opposing energetics require one another’s existence to create perfect harmony. Light and darkness, feminine and masculine, softness and firmness, life and death, fragility and strength, the more you think on constant dualities, the clearer it becomes how necessary everything is. Make this your own; whether it’s a five minute devotion or an hour, take time to meditate on the complexity and simplicity of balance.

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