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Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm

Blessed Samhain & All Hallows Eve!

Blessed Samhain & All Hallows Eve!

Today marks the halfway point between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. Historically this between time has held an air of mystery and allure. The days grow colder, the evenings grow longer, and the trees bare their leaves; all of this energy creates the ideal atmosphere as the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. The realm between our world and the worlds we cannot normally see or access is referred to as "the veil." It is a time-honored belief that during Samhain (pronounced Sow-in), we are able to cross through this veil, communing with the spiritual realms. This sacred time of year awakens our souls to bring awareness to the grace of our loved ones, ancestors, and all of those who have gone before us. If we pay attention to the world around us, we can find that they are always near and that the space between us is really just a space we cannot yet see or comprehend, but it is here, within and around us, they are never far. Messages are always being sent to us, reminders to smile, to reflect, to push on. It can be the way the colors of the sunset leave you in awe and wonder, finding a feather on the ground, an old song coming on, visits from insects and creatures, we are eternally being guided, and the more we attune ourselves to receiving, we will be profoundly touched by how connected we truly are.
Join us in celebration by creating a memorable altar dedicated to all who are dear to us, in all realms. May we always keep them alive in our hearts and spirits.
Creating an altar dedicated to those we love that have transitioned is a beautiful and honorable way to keep their memory and spirit alive. This tradition can be seasonal or kept all year long and can include family, pets, friends, distant lineage, and even honoring your general cultural background. If you don't have specific people in mind, you can work with your communal lineage as a whole.
To those who are new here and as a refresher for all, The use of altars has been prominent throughout history within many faiths and belief systems. The purpose of creating and maintaining an altar is to form a focal point of intention. A place you can visit to meditate, honor the past, present, and future, manifest hopes and desires, and tap into the wonders of the universe. This space acts as a physical reminder to engage with the energy of your mind, emotions, and spirit to unify within the physical realm. Setting intentions and creating a space filled with beauty and peace will be all the more gratifying to take part in this age-old practice. You can create an altar anywhere you wish! On a table, shelf, windowsill, or nightstand, among many other places. There are no rules; your altar can be small and simple or large and ornate. You can have many altars dedicated to specific purposes (such as ancestors, prosperity, love, deities, etc.) or one altar that encompasses all of your devotions. As long as the space is created from your heart and soul, it will be perfect. Gather items that are sacred to you and adorn them as you see fit!
Altar Adornment Ideas:
•Candles - a special candle dedicated to those being honored, reflecting on them each time you ignite it. We chose our DollyMoo Protection Candle to remind us that our Angels are always watching over us.
We love to repeat the comforting mantra,
"I am safe. I am protected."
•Incense - to set the mood and as an offering
•Flowers - adding life and beauty to the space
•Food and drink offerings, such as a cup of coffee, candy, or other favorite foods and drinks.
•Photos - of pets, of ancestors, distant or recent, of special places they loved, visited, or lived.
•Personal items such as jewelry, trinkets, perfume, momentos.
•Handwritten letters, notes, affirmations, wishes, anything beautiful you'd like to say or share with your loved ones
•Anything else you like!

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