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217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


Over the Moo-n! Flower Moon...

Over the Moo-n! Flower Moon...

The final super moon of 2020 will be illuminating the mysterious constellation of Scorpio. Notoriously, Scorpio rules death, but don’t worry! This is not literal, but rather the idea of releasing, letting go of what no longer serves us. This can be thought patterns, habits, perception of self, belief systems, lifestyle choices, and so on. This week you may have found yourself consumed by a striking urge to change one or many of these things; trust yourself! Now is the time for transformation and to bloom with the flower moon.
Scorpio is the only sign of the zodiac that has three symbols, the Scorpion, the Snake, and the Eagle. They each speak to a level of the metamorphosis of self. Each one has significant strengths that can be applied to endless circumstances. Will you be poisoning yourself with thoughts and emotions that weigh you down? Will you be adaptable enough to shed your old skin again and again as you evolve? Will you ascend above everything to see the big picture, changing your perspective? Explore all of these states of being; one leads into another, that’s the beauty of the process. Through this intuitive transformation,
you can release and REBIRTH.
Blessed Flower Moon!
Flower Moon Tip: Rejoice in the rain and sunshine of life,
for it takes both to grow! 
Songs to Set the Moon Mood: 

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