09 Jan, 2020
Over the Moo-n! Wolf Moon...
09 Jan, 2020

This first full moon of the year takes place on January 10th in the constellation of Cancer. According to astrology Cancer is the home of the moon, so this current alignment is enhancing all of her natural energies : home, family, and emotions. How do we perceive, engage, and create these areas of our life?
Our home is our sanctuary, where we retire after a long days work, where we make memories with our loved ones, find our safety and security. It is essential that our home can offer us these feelings of comfort and joy because in turn the overall sense of happiness and completeness will overflow into all areas of our lives. Take advantage of this illuminating, transformative energy of the full moon and nurture your sacred space. Be present, light candles, smudge with ancient herbs, mist the air with aromatherapy of essential oils, adorn windowsills with crystals, whatever calls to your heart. As simple as vocally expressing gratitude to your environment, take care of your household and it will take care of you.
Tonight when the moon is glistening through your windows, tune into your emotional body and know your heart is at home.
WOLF MOON TIP: Trust your instincts and pay attention to what they're trying to tell you.