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217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


New Moon Tarot Pull!

New Moon Tarot Pull!


Blessed Summer Solstice! We made it to the halfway point of the year! Six months in, and six months to go. This is a perfect time for reflection. All of us have learned so much since 2020 began. Everyone has experienced challenges and obstacles, accelerating our growth. The silver lining is how we have come into ourselves, our higher truth. Our values have been highlighted; we have been able to nurture our loves and dreams, all of which are attainable. There's a fresh breath of hope in the air! As a collective, we can walk away from our old ways. Fully awakened and revitalized, we can be in alignment with the universe. On this new moon, create a sacred moment of contemplation for all that has been, and all that will be. How would you like to apply what you've learned to the remainder of the year?


scroll down 

keep going 
a little more 
keeping going 
a little bit more
almost there 
here are the cards...

1. Four Of Pentacles
You may have an inheritance on the horizon. This can be material possessions, but also can be realized skills or talents. Whatever it may be, there is a desire to hold on tightly to what you have. Do not rely on luck; Work to fulfill your dreams. The time is ripe for investment in all forms. Your real wealth lies within; once you discover this, you will gain newfound stability and security.

2. Page Of Swords
You're brimming with excitement and curiosity, with the energy to match! You may find yourself more talkative than usual, and having quite a way with words. Speak your mind. Tell the truth. No matter the content, you can talk your way out of conflict, just don't forget to think before you speak. Listen and live more consciously; life will be more inspiring.

3. Ace Of Pentacles
This unique card denotes great happiness—peaceful, content, secure. What you are now beginning, or will begin soon, is destined for success. The emergence of good things in life, as with all things, start within your spirit. This embodiment of gratitude will overflow and nourish all areas of your life, opening you up to limitless abundance and prosperity in all forms.

Songs To Set The Moon Mood:
July by Youth Lagoon
Pocket full of Rainbows by Elvis Presley

Moo For The Moon:

Moon Oil 

 Click HERE to follow our

2020 Moon Magick Playlist on Spotify! 


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