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Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm



217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

217 Glenridge Ave

Montclair, NJ 07042

Store Hours:

Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm

Sunday 12pm-5pm


Over the Moo-n! Strawberry Moon...

Over the Moo-n! Strawberry Moon...

The full moon of June takes place in the fiery, expansive sign of Sagittarius. Tonight also marks the first of three successive lunar eclipses. Eclipse seasons are usually checkpoints in our journey; if you look at ones passed, you may find them tied to significant life lessons. Sagittarius loves a good lesson. All of this emphasis on learning, studying, and growth, will ignite new ideas. Let us all philosophize like Sag for awhile. It is important not to limit your perception at this time; being in a receptive state of mind will allow you to access inherent knowledge and truth. Explore what consciousness you want to step into, where is your higher awareness being called? There may be a revelation of beliefs awaiting you. What’s true? What’s not? The eclipse calls for change and release. Do not cling to the desired outcome, but trust the benevolence of the divine universe. She is working on a spiritual timeline, all is revealed in time.
This evening, if you feel called, tap into the collective of lightworkers who will be focusing on sending healing energy and protection to those who need it during these trying times. 
At 9 pm EST take a moment to manifest these peaceful energetics as you see fit; light a candle, say a prayer, or simply hold space, there is no wrong way!  Endless love and light.
Strawberry Moon Tip: 
Embrace the warmth of the sun on your beautiful skin.
Songs To Set The Moon Mood:
Moo for the Moon:
Rosemary Botanical Incense Smudge Wand 

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